Friday 8 May 2009

The Wolverine-evening

I considered introducing new characters to my blog. Maybe this is the way to keep it alive? I spent yesterday evening discussing X-Men comics with someone who has the super-heroic ability to memorize complicated storylines and character biographies without ever having read an actual comic. It is mesmerizing and so very incredible that my little anecdotes about Astonishing X-Men could not compete at all (also, she is not a Buffy- or Angelfan, so explaining how some pieces of dialogue in those issues just scream "Joss" was kinda lost on her, but I'm working on it).
This is weird, actually. We've known each other for a really long time and only discovered our shared love for comic book movies (and early "Heroes") two years ago. The evening ended with me trying to explain the Civil War and then realizing, as I was going home on my own, that to me, apparantly history is pretty much the same as a fictional tv show narrative.
"One-Eyed Monster" is possibly the worst movie you've ever seen, but it is so worth it (also, I've watched "Jack Reed" just to get a glimpse of Amber Benson and that was right-wing badness, and OEM is gratifyingly porn-funny in comparison). The second movie to fit the mood is "Fanboys" which I believe I mentioned before: fittingly days before Star Trek XI, it is about a group of Star Wars geek who decide to steal copies of that awful "first" Star Wars movie. It has Kirsten Bell of "Veronica Mars" in it, so yay.


Amber Benson interview about "Death's Daughter" on blogtalkradio (which has really bad audio quality, but hey, deal with it - and it's about 45 minutes into the show)
Amber Benson interview on BookBanter

[via The Essence of Amber]

One-Eyed Monster trailer
Fanboys trailer

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